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Main » 2009 » July » 12
Our brains need exercise and care in the same way as other parts of the body.
We eat the right foods to keep our heart healthy, we moisturise our skin to keep it
from drying out and, just as gymnasts strive to increase their performance at
whatever level they are competing by means of punishing training schedules and that brain cells continually degenerate
with age: but, in fact, our brain cells continually develop new and stronger connections
and adult brains can grow new cells irrespective of age.refinement of technique, there are exercises, or mental gymnastics, we can do to increase the performance of our brains and enhance quickness of thought.Many people still have old beliefs that they can do very less to increase their mental performance and their brain continuous degenerate as they grow old. But in new research of neuro plasticity has show that our brain creates more new neurons and stronger connection within them as more we make use of it.

So boos ... Read more »

Views: 1306 | Added by: mew | Date: 07.12.2009 | Comments (1)